Nov 13, 2017

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment – The Gold Standard For Skin Rejuvenation

Wrinkles, lax skin, age spots and scars can be dramatically reduced with Fractional CO2 (carbon dioxide) Ablative Resurfacing or Fractional Laser skin resurfacing. Dermatology and Laser Centre offers PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy in combination with Fractional Ablative Resurfacing as an option to optimize results.

Fractional CO2 Lasers are the gold standard for non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment. They represent the latest of advancement in safely treating deep wrinkles, acne scars, chickenpox and trauma scars and for improving texture from sun damage and age. This laser can be used on the fragile skin on upper and lower eyelids and near the mouth.  The technology can also be used on the neck, shoulders, arms, hands and other parts of the body for a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

How Does The Fractional CO2 Laser Work?

The Fractional lasers offer deeper dermal penetration than traditional treatments, and deliver laser pulses in fractional patterns. The laser heats tiny columns of tissue on the skin surface while leaving the surrounding tissue untreated, thus allowing the skin to heal much faster than if the entire area is treated at once. This method stimulates the body’s natural regenerative responses. It forces out and shrinks damaged skin, and replaces it with new skin.  Deeper laser treatments can achieve more dramatic results.  But post-treatment downtime also increases with deeper treatments.

You can expect the treated area to be red and to peel after the procedure. Dr. Gallacher may be able to break treatments up into two shallower treatments if downtime is a concern. Skin will heal in about 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the depth of the treatment. Smoother, tighter and younger looking skin and should be seen after about 3-6 months.

Varying from patient to patient, and depending on your skin care  and skin protection regime, these beautiful, skin rejuvenating results can last for some years.

If you are interested in learning more about Fractional CO2 Laser, Dr. Gallacher would be happy to discuss this skin rejuvenation treatment with you.   Contact our office today!