Tattoo Removal
For those who may have changed their minds about the symbolism or content of a tattoo, the MedLite C6 Laser is the gold standard of tattoo removal without scarring. The light energy emitted from this laser passes into the skin and is absorbed by the ink of the tattoo, causing the tattoo ink to break into tiny particles, which are then removed by the body’s natural filtering system. There are various types of tattoos, including professional, amateur, and surgical tattoos. In addition, a great variety of inks may be used in a range of colors. All ink colors can be removed in most cases, with the exception of green and yellow, which in many cases are difficult to erase completely. Multiple treatments are normally needed to remove most tattoos depending on the amount, type and color of ink used and the depth of the ink in the skin. In many cases, a 95% fading of the tattoo can be accomplished.
Although there are many types of lasers available in the marketplace today, the MedLite C6 Laser is used at our Centre because of its efficiency and effectiveness on specific conditions. The MedLite is one of the most advanced lasers available for removal of tattoos, areas of pigment such as age spots, and specific birthmarks. It delivers short, rapid, high intensity pulses of light with maximum capability for destruction of melanin targets. The combination of the short wavelength and rapid light pulses results in maximum removal of pigmented areas while preserving surrounding skin.